Angel Sanctuary Scans


  1. Angel Sanctuary Scan 1 Vf
  2. Angel Sanctuary Season 2
  3. Angel Sanctuary Season 1 Episode 2 Awakening
Angel Sanctuary Scans

Angel Sanctuary Scan 1 Vf

Angel Sanctuary Manga Preview. Angel Sanctuary is a mature shoujo series that features amazing artwork and controversial topics such as the nature of God and incest. Needless to say this series isn't for everyone. Of course we wouldn't. Angel Sanctuary Artbook: Lost Angel - Kaori Yuki; Angel Sanctuary Artbook: Angel Cage - Kaori Yuki; Mathias Laurisden, Baptiste Giabiconi: 'Legends Of. Boyd Holdbrook & AJ Abualrub: 'Endless Summer' for. Vogue Patterns by Steven Meisel in Vogue Italia De. Sam Way,Marlon Teixeira for Diesel Intimate Fall W. If anyone comes to an Angel Sanctuary page, they must have at least a somewhat liberal mind, considering the issues dealt with in the manga. If one of the places I link to links to sites containing hate shrines or hentai, that isn't my problem. Angel Sanctuary, Mudo Setsuna, Arachne (Angel Sanctuary), Sakuya Kira, Kurai, Michael (Angel Sanctuary), Mudo Sara, Raphael (Angel Sanctuary), Uriel (Angel Sanctuary), Scan 7399x4724 5,318kB. In the magazine 'Putao' from winter 2001 by Hakusensha, a complete list of Angel Sanctuary items was printed. See below my scans of the 5 pages that I lightly translated to be readable.

Angel Sanctuary Season 2

Thank you, to all those who have contributed to my site! It wouldn't be possible without you ^_^ The names below aren't really in any order (okay, well the first one is ;)), please don't feel insulted if your name is in one place or another. ;_; If I forgot you, please tell me :D I'll add you to the list right away ^^
Chris: Thank for you being the best boyfriend ever, and thanks for all your love and support :) And of course for designing the webpage!
The people who signed the guestbook: you motivate me. I love you. ^_^
Riven and Rugle: You introduced me to Angel Sanctuary, you guys rock!
Everyone who submitted a character opinion: Thanks tons! There's too many of you to thank individually, but thanks :)
Belial: Thanks for all the wallpapers!
Rokushi: Thanks for everything ^_^ The wallpaper, the drawings and anything else you may have done, like correcting the typos I made when my keyboard went on a one way trip to the underworld. And most of all, thanks for being my friend!
shinsachiel: Thanks for letting me link to your message board in the past!
Miyazu: Thanks for motivating me to finally upload all the damn images in the image gallery.
Kiralexiel: Thanks for the fanfic! ^__^ Great!
Mimi-chan: Thanks for the fanfic :D Very funny ^^
Hikari: Thanks a lot, the fanfic you sent was great ^_^
Erin: Thanks for offering to op my chat room, and for giving me some AS character opinions ^^
The people who have sent me links: Thanks for helping me expand my link page! :D
Miko: You pointed out that there are French and German versions of this manga as well ^^ Thanks!
hmma009: Thanks for telling me the identity of 'guy' in my image gallery ^^
Immora: Thanks for sending the fanfic~ ^__^
dulcis somnifer: Thanks for the fanart! It looks really cool ;_;
Pinioned Seraph: Thanks a lot for the wallpaper and the edited images ^^
Arsenothelys: You gave me character opinions and Too Much AS things. I love you! XD *hugs*
Migoto: Thank you thank you THANK YOU XD for the webspace that I used for about a year! ^______^
ChibiTenshi: I love the Rociel fanart ^_^
Lirien: Thank you SO MUCH for your submissions ^_^ the character opinions were well thought out and I was in desperate need for some more Too Much AS things ^_^ I need to actually sit down and think of some more. But again, thank you ^^
Aoi: Thanks for the Too Much Angel Sanctuary suggestions! Sorry it took so long for me to get them up!
Madhatter: Thanks for the fanart and for the Setsuna-lookalike picture for my Setsuna shrine ^_^
Snoys: Thanks for the TMAS suggestions~!
Page Policy
This is, I guess, a sort of long disclaimer. Anyway...let's cut through all of the small stuff and get right down to my point. Don't steal anything on this webpage to use on your own without my permission. Though I did not draw this art, I edited these images, I scanned these pictures [but please feel free to use my scanned images on your website. I'd just appreciate it if you gave a link back here, and if you gave me credit for scanning them], I made these backgrounds, I made this website, and I typed up everything here. I didn't make this webpage so other people could steal off of it. Everything here is for entertainment purposes only. If you want to use my pictures on your own website, that's fine, but I would at least like credit for scanning them and a link to this webpage. For those of you that don't have a scanner, you have NO IDEA how long it takes to scan these pictures, especially at the size I scan them so I can use them for image editing and anything else I might want them for. What I scan, I scan very large - probably double the original size, sometimes triple, sometimes more. It makes for *very* good quality images after they're resized to their original. It takes a very long time to scan, especially with my scanner and the computer I'm using. I don't care if you take them for personal viewing on your computer...but I don't want to see them on your website if you're claiming that they are your own. I don't want to have to be one of those people who puts their logo on everything they do or scan, but if I'm pushed to do so, I will. Don't think I won't find you - there aren't *that* many Angel Sanctuary websites out there. Anyway...please just assign credit where credit is due. If you want to post up a winamp skin on the site for example, please say who did it. Giving credit is simple, and it doesn't take that much time to do. You'll just end up ruining things for everyone else, and I don't want to see logos on my scans anymore than you want them there. Please follow this policy, and you'll never have to see them.
About my information on the site (i.e. character information), I better not see THAT on anyone's site, ever. You won't get my permission to have it, and you better not ask either. I spent hours typing up everything on this site, and if you want to make your own website, you damn well should type up your own information! If you're too lazy to write up a few sentences about a few characters, or about anything else, you shouldn't be making a webpage. This whole first section of the disclaimer can be shortened down to one sentence. Don't steal anyone's stuff off of their websites because it'll only make the world suck more than it does already.
And another thing. I was looking around on the web one day and I found this thing that basically said, 'people shouldn't put graphics on their page if they don't want people to use them, it's that simple'. People say they don't want their images/information stolen for a reason. Please appreciate all the time it takes to scan images, edit them, or do anything else like that. It's really offending to see your own material on a website that has some 'don't steal' policy. What the hell are you, a hypocrite? Sorry if I'm being really 'grah, blah, go away' but this is how I feel about stealing. I can't stand when I see *other people's* work on other webpages, I don't know how I'd feel if I saw my *own* work where it shouldn't be. Hello, graphics are a necessary part of a webpage's life. Without graphics, people probably won't like it (the webpage) as much as they might otherwise. Content is important, but so is design. Simple designs aren't bad, hell, I use them. But images are very important, don't underestimate the power of graphics to bring people to webpages.
Please don't link directly to anything here either, like pictures, any page other than the enter page, or anything in the downloads section or any specific pages on this website. I don't care if you want to link to the website itself - please e-mail me first though, so I can link to you. You don't have to e-mail me of course, but it might be nice, because I could expand my links section a bit. Please use a banner to link, unless of course you prefer text links. You can find the banners in the Omake section. Also -- I don't link to offending sites or hate sites. That means no hentai and no hate shrines. I don't like them at *all*. I don't want to link to anything that might offend people. I do mean within reason of course. If anyone comes to an Angel Sanctuary page, they must have at least a somewhat liberal mind, considering the issues dealt with in the manga. If one of the places I link to links to sites containing hate shrines or hentai, that isn't my problem. However, this site and all sites I directly link to will be hentai free. Sorry for any inconveniences this might cause, but it's my policy and dammit I'm keeping to it.
The background of the site was created by cutting this image up. It took me about half an hour (or longer) to make the background. Please, do not use it without asking.
If you e-mail me, and I don't e-mail you back, the e-mail may have not reached me, I may be too busy to check my e-mail, or I may be too busy to reply to it. If you don't get a reply in 2 weeks, please resend the e-mail. Chances are that I'm having troubles with my e-mail, because usually I do reply to the e-mails people send me, and usually I do check my e-mail at least once every few days, but I guess it's possible that I could be really busy ^^;
I would appreciate it if you didn't e-mail me asking for updates. I'm a busy person. I'm in my senior year of high school and I have a lot of work to do, both in and out of school. I'm not a little web bot that suddenly was programed to make a website and update it every week or whatever. If I don't update one week, or month, or whatever, it's either because there's nothing to update or because I'm busy. If I go longer than a month, an e-mail would be okay, but please make it polite. I got a really nasty e-mail about my Evangelion webpage once, so that's why this is here -.-
Addition 10/02/01 :: OAV character sketches from the Angel Sanctuary DVD released in America have been posted. I only posted a few, the DVD includes a lot more. I want to encourage you to buy the DVD, so that's all from the dvd I'm going to be posting.
Sorry if I sound like a little wolf-bitch, but I'm actually pretty nice, just don't get on my bad side ^^; I have a bit of a temper :x as you can see...
Angel sanctuary scanlon

Angel Sanctuary Season 1 Episode 2 Awakening

6-07-04 :: I added a few links this time... I also added some wallpapers. Now I have to go to work. If your link is missing from the list, it's because either a) you do not have my link there (I believe in mutual links) or b) it would not work in my browser. I use Mozilla Firefox. If I cannot see the content of your site I cannot tell whether it is appropriate matter for me to link to or not.
12-26-03 :: Once again, sorry about that lack of updates. I was thinking about updating this site all during the fall semester, and what do you know, I never did. But at least I got around to it now, right? Anyway, big update to the character forums. I added some new wallpapers as well, and another fanart. I colored the fanart that I did, I'll try to get it up soon. I also added something to the info section, VIZ is going to be releasing the AS graphic novels starting in March 2004 in English. (Yay, except now I'm going to want to buy them all again.) I updated the merchandise section as well, linking to some stores for you guys to look at to find some Angel Sanctuary merchandise. Take note though, most items I bought, I found at anime conventions. Anime conventions will always be the best place to find good merchandise that isn't posters and wallscrolls. Also, I don't think you can really find the Angel Box anymore, unless maybe rarely on EBay. It was a limited item, so please do not ask me how to find it. Thanks! :)
7-22-03 :: Sorry about the lack of updates. Going home inevitably meant that I would be losing my internet on my computer, and it's a real pain to have to transfer files via floppy disk, so I haven't really done anything. Updated the About Me page (YEAH, GO ME...sarcasm...) and that's about all. I am not ignoring your e-mails, I know I have some content to add but I finally just got internet access on my computer tonight, and I'm tired from working, so that's that. I just realized a bunch of merchandise pictures don't work, so I'll fix those within the week if I can. Sorry ^^; I also plan to put links to various stores on the merchandise section because so many people e-mail me asking me where I find all these things. Honestly though the best place is an anime convention! If you find one near you, I think you should go. I'll be going to Otakon this year with my boyfriend and his best friend and other friends of mine ^_^ Fun fun!
5-20-03 :: Been busy with finals and the end of my freshman year at college, but I finally finished reading Angel Sanctuary today (yes, all 20 graphic novels!) Therefore, a LOT of new information is being posted up on the site. I updated the merchandise section in order to tell anyone who looks there what exactly is a part of the Angel Box, since the items within the Angel Box are not, as far as I know, sold seperately. It'll clear up a lot of confusion, I think. I also updated many of the character pages. All character pages now have spoilers through the entire series, so don't look if you haven't finished reading the manga!
04-15-03 :: Over the past few weeks, my boyfriend Chris and I have bought a domain and have moved kinryouku to its new location. The layout was redone with lots of help from Chris, with me doing all the images. No new content has been added, aside from some new information after I finished the 17th graphic novel. Notice the images. The red one notes which pages contain spoilers, meaning that if you have not read as much as I have read (through graphic novel 17) it is a good idea to avoid those particular pages. The blue ones notes that there are no spoilers on that particular page and it is completely safe for anyone to visit those pages, as storyline is not revealed.
03-30-03 :: I read volume 16 and through 17.4 last night, so I wrote up some spoiler information and put it up. Most characters have received changes, not all, and finally the spoiler character section is complete (meaning now you can click on Kurai's name and not get Sara's information). I added a new link too.
02-14-03 :: No, I haven't forgotten about the site ^^; I've been very busy though for the most part... my winter break was largely taken up (plus my computer wasn't hooked up to the internet at home) and as usual I've been busy with college. I see I have 20,000 visitors now! :) Thanks everyone, I really couldn't have the site I have without my visitors. At any rate, I haven't forgotten about the site, but I've been very busy. The only reason I had time to do this is I'm sick and I happened to wake up at 2:30 this morning (it was fun, I assure you). At any rate, I added a new banner ^_^ Sorry I haven't really done anything else (except I did make some of the image sizes smaller for those of you with 56k connections in December or so, an update I never acknowledged on this page).
10-16-02 :: Added two new wallpapers by Aoi chan and a banner in the links section ^_^ That's really all. I've been busy with school.
9-28-02 :: In addition to the update below, the sounds section has been completely fixed and all the sounds should work. Also I added two new pieces of fanart (Mad Hatter) and some Too Much Angel Sanctuary suggestions. Also received some Kurai and Rociel opinions for the character forum. Added a couple new links as well!
9-28-02 :: If there are some things about this update that are incomplete (as in the update says it's done and it isn't) then please just wait for a few days and I will get around to fixing it. I've been very busy trying to connect to this site (first time I could in three months was yesterday) so I obviously have a lot to do. Fixing the sounds in the download section are one of my priorities, for those of you waiting for that. Thanks for your patience. Went to Otakon, so I'll be getting some cosplay pictures up soon. Some of them didn't come out so well though :/ I finally own all of the Angel Sanctuary manga, so updates to the character section will be coming as soon as I finish reading each graphic novel (translations are available for 1-15, out of the 20 graphic novels in whole). I added to the merchandise section, so check that out if you wish ^_^ and updated the 'About Me' section since it was terribly outdated. I updated the Color Images section in the image gallery: The Setsuna image gallery doubled itself (16 images are now available) because I decided to stop being lazy, and I also improved the quality of 3 of the older images (new scanner = god). I deleted a semi-repeat image in the Alexiel gallery and improved the quality of three others. Added a new image to Rociel's gallery and upgraded another. Improved the quality of two images in the Kurai gallery. Improved an image in the Lucifer gallery. Added 5 new images to the Pairs gallery and updated about half of the original. In the groups section I made some of the thumbnails smaller for faster loading for those of you with slower connections. I changed the pictures of Ruri for both the spoiler and non-spoiler sections (different pictures) I updated the 'General Information' section. I also added a piece of (my own! :D) fanart ^_^ (simply because there were NO Kurai pictures XO and Setsuna was crying because all of one person drew him :P)
6-06-02 :: Well, I'm graduating this sunday *_* And I watched a really wonderful Angel Sanctuary music video just today, so I'm very inspired to work on this site ^^ So! I made a new layout. Like it? I spent a whole lot of time on it, so you BETTER like it! >:D Anyway, I think I'm getting a new scanner for graduation, so when that happens I'll be scanning lots of new pictures (well, as many as I can) for the site, so you can expect an update to the image gallery sometime in the near future. Um, and I changed the top images to each section of the site. I really changed them this time. Last time I thought I did and just now I realized-- oops. Oh well, enjoy the new layout and everything! Send me some stuff, and maybe I'll be able to put in some content XP
5-29-02 :: Wow, okay, I'd meant to update a long time ago ^_^;; Added some character opinions today, and some Too Much AS things. And I will finish updating later, time to go to work. Yay.
4-14-02 :: Added a piece of fanart to the fanart section ^^ Changed all the little picture thingies... yeah. That's a really professional name for them, isn't it? I also changed a few of the pictures that link to other things in the omake section, because I accidentally saved over them before. A new layout and new banners for linking will come up later in the month, and I'll work more on the sections that are under construction.
4-04-02 :: The site was moved :D I've been moving it for a few days. The webspage was offered to me by migoto, so... thank you very very much! ^__^ Other than that, I don't think I've done anything else. I've been really annoyed with angelfire lately. But...yeah! :D I'll get a new layout and new graphics and stuff done now that I'm motivated. Probably later in the month, maybe during spring break. ALSO, please take note that some things may have uploaded badly (due to many reconnections while I was trying to upload them, and I may not have overwritten the bad file), please tell me if there are any broken links or pictures and I will get them fixed as soon as possible. Also, the character shrines are down for now, because I need to work on them badly. Thanks ^_^
3-23-01 :: Updating twice in one month, within a week of the other update. Who would've thought? Anyway, graphic novel 13 of Angel Sanctuary arrived yesterday, so I read it last night. The character information page was updated (well, the spoiler section), the world section was updated a little, and I added a spoilers section to that too (but take note-- I haven't done anything to the spoilers one yet), and I remembered to upload the new information page, which I'd forgotten to do a while ago, so now I finally have a link to 3 places with Angel Sanctuary translations. There are more, I think, but I don't know where. If you come up with any, please e-mail them to me ^^ Anyway, I'm going to work on a new layout for this thing, and new pictures for each section (see the What's New picture above? I want to change all of those ^^) so expect a mostly cosmetic update in the future.
3-19-02 :: Got a Rociel opinion in my e-mail a week or so ago, just posted that up today. I think that's all the updates I have ^^ I think I need to stop doing layouts once a month, I'll run out of ideas... so I'll make a new layout when I have a new idea for one ^^ Right now I'm fairly satisfied with the one I have, it's my favorite so far, maybe. Sorry for the lack of a large update, I need to get working on those new sections... hopefully the next update. Thanks for not sending me any evil e-mails screaming at me to update, that happened with my old Evangelion site. I should get that site up again sometime... probably won't do much work on it. But uh... happy 10,000 to Kinryouku! Well, 10,500 now...but still XP XP XP I congratulated it in my journal the other day anyway. Well, back when it hit 10,000. Okay, shutting up now >< OH WAIT no I'm not! ^_^; I ordered the 13th graphic novel of Angel Sanctuary the other day, so a nice update should be coming once I read it! ^_^
2-23-02 :: There's a new layout based on the song 'Into the Dark' by one of my new favorite bands, The Juliana Theory ^_^ I really like this layout :D I had a happy layout up for two months (December and January and most of this month, because I haven't have the time to change due to applications (for January) and laziness (for this month)) so now is the time to go to a scary one >D I updated the character page (no spoilers) finally, and also the character page (spoilers), adding two new characters, Moon Lily and Sandalphon and changing the pictures of almost everyone else. I added three new sections (making up for the month I didn't do ANYTHING in ^^;): a section on the world of Angel Sanctuary, a Character Forum (where you get to see other people's opinions on characters and submit your own as well), and a section 'You Know You Read Too Much Angel Sanctuary When...' ^_^ I hope you enjoy them, though please keep in mind they may not be completed ^_~ The Credits section was moved under Omake, because I keep forgetting to put it on my image maps when I remake the menu u_u And~ for those of you who were worrying about this ^^; If I do decide to stop updating this site, it won't be until I'm finished with the series, and likely even after that I'll continue to maintain it. I guess it depends how taxing college is on me. But I'll probably continue to maintain it :D
1-21-02 :: I meant to update a while ago, but never got around to it. Oops ^^; I have a lot of plans for new sections to the site, including a section like I had in one of my old Evangelion webpages (AsukaStrikes!). It's going to have a few characters to choose from, and you can submit a reason why you like, dislike, or feel neutral toward a character for whatever reason. A lot of people liked those sections ^_^ I'm also going to get to working on a 'world' section, that describes the world of Angel Sanctuary, the hierarchy of the angels, etc. Expect much in the future for 2002 ^_^ Except maybe near the June month, I graduate from high school around then and likely will be very busy >_o
12-16-01 :: Changed the layout of the enter page. Why? Because I felt like it :P I colored that image... I was bored. I also added a new wallpaper by Pinioned Seraph ^_^ That's all, more updates will be coming soon, assuming I get the 13th graphic novel for christmas as expected, from my sister :x I'll probably be updating then anyway though, because my page will be-- *drum roll* a year old! :D
12-03-01 :: Updated the character information page (spoilers section). Info for graphic novels 1-12 can now be read ^^
12-02-01 :: Hey look, kinryouku's one year anniversary is coming up! 24 more days ^_^ And this *gasp* is a real update, for the first time in two months ^_^;; Exactly o_o; Added a fanfic by Immora and a piece of fanart ^_^ I've been taking Angel Sanctuary screenshots (flat screen monitors, dvd roms, and digital cameras - how I love thee) so I have a lot of new AS pictures, I'll probably add a few to the image gallery once I get around to it. I have a new layout as well, and I'm going to read the translations for Graphic Novel 12 today, since the 12th and 13th are up at one of my translations sites. I've fallen behind though, no graphic novel 13 for me yet :/ But that will all be remedied by the end of this month :) I'll try to update again later in the month with images (I have lots of OAV pictures to put up) and other such things ^_^ Oh, and the Credits page is back. I had one for like a day before, but I uploaded something else over it... so yeah u_u Oh, I did well in all my classes :D except for that... C in Physics ¬_¬ Stupid class.
11-11-01 :: I need to put the October Update into it's own section, but I'm busy right now so it'll have to wait. I'm sorry to say I haven't actually added anything, but this is just an update to say things. I've been pretty damn busy with school lately (Damn you Mr. Hurley and your Humanities class). Anyway, yeah. My grades are coming next tuesday or wednesday, so if I don't update for a while, I guess you know why. Anyways I have a little bit of updating to do, a fanfic to do... I've been doing work though. And writing. And reading. If you like shounen ai, go out and read Dream Boy now. It was really good, I started it...and finished it... x.x last night. Anyways yeah... seeya :x
10-02-01 :: I've been working pretty damn hard on this page lately. I hope you all appreciate it :P This update comes with a slightly revised policy section, manga character sketches in the manga section, OAV character sketches in the OAV section, added images to the image gallery (One to Alexiel, five to group, six to pair, and I added the new Lucifer image gallery. I have a lot of Setsuna images to add, but I'll do that later ^^;) and sounds to the downloads section! Also, the new layout! This one features Kira, and the song 'Simon' by Lifehouse. I decided to make it in tribute to all you people who have Kira for a favorite character, since he seems to be the most popular. I started the Kirie character shrine too. Amazing, aren't I? I also added two new polls, 'Least favorite character' and 'Who do you want to win (regardless of who does win)?' Two pieces of fanart and another link too ^_^
9-26-01 :: Added more wallpapers to my wallpaper section ^_^ Also started making a Rociel winamp skin, I don't know when it'll be done yet because I haven't worked on the playlist or equalizer sections, but the main body of it is done. The equalizer section is the hardest one x_x I haaate it. And I don't use it either ;_; but! I'll do it anyway. Because other people use it :p I'll also be able to get graphic novel 12 information up soon, because I've had it for months and I haven't been able to read it and my favorite translator is about halfway through 11 ^_^ I would love to be able to translate it myself and just read it ;_; though I probably wouldn't post up translations because frankly I doubt my Japanese would be very good even if I did take it for a few years. My Spanish is all right, I could translate a Spanish one (after 5 years of the class) but I don't even know if I'd post translations for THAT. I have troubles regarding my faith in anything I do. I feel so good about this site though ;_; so many people like it. I'm shocked ^^; I added a 'last updated' thing on the main page, because I know it's a pain in the ass to have to check this page just to see if I updated or not. So yes. You'll still have to come here to READ the update, but you can tell if it was updated right from that page. I think I've rambled too much, so I'm going to shut up now. Wait no I'm not. I just added a new section 'Credits' to give... credit... ^^; to people who contributed to my site! Thanks everyone ^_^
9-13-01 :: I changed the layout a bit, the red has been around for a while and I needed to change, so now it's a pretty much grey theme. I answered all of my e-mails that were sitting in my inbox, please please please write me another e-mail if I didn't reply to one of yours (and you obviously wanted a reply). I also added a wallpaper to the wallpaper section.
8-23-01 :: Merchandise section was updated, I got my lazy rear to get the digital camera and take pictures of everything I didn't have pictures of yet. The camera I used is old and kinda crappy, so the quality of the pictures isn't too hot. Oh well :P I want to scan the Kaine cover though, rather than take a photo, so that's the only thing on the page without a picture. I added a fanfic too ^^
8-21-01 :: I updated the policy. You don't have to e-mail me to use my images, because that's annoying, I know. Please just give me ('Ayashi') credit for scanning the images, and a link to my website somewhere on the page. I don't think that's too much to ask for. Note: School is coming up soon, September 5th. It's going to be my senior year of high school, and I don't want to slack off. Therefore I'm going to be putting as much as I can into my classes this year, so don't be surprised if there's a lack of updates. I will still try to get in my monthly update, but I can't guarantee anything. I also added to the cosplay section and I scanned loads of images from the beauty called the Angel Box, so I have new images to upload to the image gallery now ^^ I'll do that later though, I'm too tired now -_- It's 2:16 in the morning. BLAH
8-13-01 :: Just got back from Otakon! I have a lot of pictures to scan and add to the image galleries, a lot of merchandise to add to my merchandise section, a lot of pictures to be developed and uploaded, and a lot of e-mails to reply to! I also had a fanfic or two to add to the fanfic section! I'll be doing all of this over the next few days and I'll be updating accordingly, please check back every once and a while to see what I've done ^_^ If you want a review of the convention, you can read it here, at my journal. It links to the specific entry so you don't have to go looking for it ^^;
7-21-01 :: Added a bunch of links today, and made some new buttons for myself :x
7-20-01 :: Added to the Spoiler Character section. All characters should be completely updated to graphic novel 11. I added a link to my links section. I made subtle changes to some of the other pages, but not really much to note, except for my changes to the General Information page. I added a bunch of information about the commercial release of the Angel Sanctuary dvd.
6-27-01 :: Got two fanfics in my e-mail yesterday, just put them up today. I fixed the image gallery - all of the links should be working now, in both the color images and manga scans section. All of my new character things are on my other computer, so that hasn't been updated yet, gomen gomen.
6-25-01 :: The Image Gallery is NOT working at the moment, because without an ftp program it's really hard for me to get the images uploaded. Some images are working, however, so please keep that in mind. Over the rest of the week, I'll be getting images uploaded and I'll get an FTP program onto the computer to make things easier. Please do not send me e-mails about the image gallery or broken links concerning the image gallery until my next update. I added a link to the links section today, Electric Angel, and I updated the Information page a little, thanks to Miko.
6-24-01 :: Abolished the 'text' and 'image' pages, now only one page (Waking up Beside You v. 2.0 of kinryouku, main.html) will be used. It looks better than the 'text' and 'image' pages combined, so that's why I got rid of them. Also, the image page looked better than the text page, and I felt bad that people with slower modems couldn't view the prettier page. Added the Japanese, Cosplay, and Otakon sections to the omake section. Added dvd and AS cast poster pictures to the merchandise section. Divided the image gallery into manga scans and artbook scans, and the artbook scan section has been divided up into character sections. Added images to each section. Changed around the character page a bit, and I added to the information, manga, and OAV pages. Some other pages were changed too, but not significantly. Found translations for graphic novel 11 thanks to Michelle, so I'll update on that soon ^^ I think I'll link to the three Angel Sanctuary translations sites I know of, so that way anyone who hasn't read the series can. What do you think of the new layout, anyway?
4-21-01 :: Updated Spoiler Character section. I read graphic novels 9-10 yesterday. Updated info page a little. Added spoiler warnings that I forgot. If you didn't know some stuff and found out by looking at my page and you ignored warnings, sucks for you. If you found out stuff and there were no warnings to speak of...I'm an idiot and I admit it. So I think I'll go add in spoiler warnings - now. Before I feel really stupid. I just looked at all the ones I spat out in the OAV vs. manga page X_x;; I didn't have a warning. Now I do. GO ME. I also added the character shrines section to the image intensive section of the page. I didn't work on the shrines though.
3-10-01 :: Added a wallpaper made by Rokushi.
3-9-01 :: Added four new images to the image gallery. Added some character information to the spoiler and non spoiler sections, and changed Jibrille/Gabriel's picture. Added two pieces of fanart, drawn by Rokushi.
3-5-01 :: Added two wallpapers, another Setsuna one and a Kira one.
3-4-01 :: Cosmetic Updates. Added the Update Archives pages. Added four group pictures to the image gallery and worked on the Setsuna shrine a bit. You can only get to the shrines from the text page, so I need to make a button for them for the image intensive page ^_^;
3-3-01 :: This page was uploaded. Added the text intensive page.
12-26-00 :: This page was created.