Dota Mana Bars

Dota Mana Bars

Dota 2 Enemy Mana Bars

One of the most motivating posts on playing computer games by team OK player Drayich. Must read for all devoted gamers. Read his complete post or continue reading with the major points covered. My views are inside this post. :)
I can see alot of people around stating dota is just a dumb computer game, something you wouldnt do when you grow older, yet they give this game hours and hours of efforteveryday. For me that sounds really destructive.
Yeah, Dota is just a computergame. Like boule is just boule or collecting stamp is just stamps. But whatever hobby you choose to do, its still a hobby, and if you didnt know it i can tell you now, hobbies are very important.

Dota 2 Show Mana Bars

Link dow: A Warcraft tool by Lynn that allows you to see mana bars along with health bars. I used this tool in a few LAN games and worked out fine. It really helps when you're Anti-Mage or Nerubian Assassin. Dota Mana Bar Download Warcraft 3 Manabars (War3MP) This map is a lite of Warcraft 3,It’s call Manabars tool that allows you to see mana bars.Warcraft 3 Manabars (War3MP) along with health barspowerful program intended Mana-bars of allied and enemy units.